About Me

My photo
Ragusa, Sicily, Italy
I was born in Deva, Romania, on 14 January 1978. In 2000 I graduated the Faculty of European Studies within "Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Since 2003 I started to work in tourism and had the chance to travel and live in Egypt and Arab Emirates for more than 6 years. Egypt will remain the dearest place to me, it's beauty is authentic and sacred, while the warmth of people has no match. At the end of 2010 I made it to Sicily and I just love the place. It is true, "without seeing Sicily, it is not possible to make a full idea of Italy. Sicily is the key to everything", as Goethe said in his Italian Journey, 1788. My passion for photography grew in time and now I find it the best way to express my emotions. Thank you for sparing some of your time to visit my blogs.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Bedouin woman in Sinai, Egypt

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